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Market research has shown that, if given a choice, consumers will shop with a chamber member rather than a non-member, because chamber membership says to the consumer that the member business is trustworthy, is involved in the community, cares about its customers, is successful, and is a leader in the business community. The Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce was organized for the purpose of advancing these positive images among consumers for greater growth and development in the Shenandoah County region.  It encourages the expansion of existing industries and businesses, while giving assistance to individuals and entities looking to create new businesses in Shenandoah County.  At the Chamber of Commerce we work very hard to help our members achieve all their business goals each year, and wemeasure our success by our member’s success.


 We’ve recently created new programs and events that not only support our members as business owners, but also benefit the Shenandoah Valley community as a whole.  Memberships make these programs and events possible, and without them we cannot accomplish our shared mission of a thriving, profitable business community.  We’d like to share with you some things the Chamber of Commerce is currently doing in the community and for its businesses:


  • Maintains the Shenandoah County Chamber website,,  which has a listing of all our members’ businesses, special events, and information for visitors.  This is the main site for everything Shenandoah Valley.   

  • Hosts many networking/special events such as the Chamber’s “After Hours” program, Morning Schmooze, and Lunch and Learn. We help support Small Business Development Center (SBDC) workshops at LFCC.

  • Supports local businesses by collaborating with the SBDC to provide free business consultation and promote the “Shop Local” program that encourages people to shop the Shenandoah Valley in support of the local economy.

  • Sponsors two major annual events:  Route 11 Yard Crawl and Autumnfest; and, co-sponsors many other major community events such as the  The Holiday Parade and Vintage Woodstock.


These are just a few of the ways we promote and support the growth and success of Shenandaoh Valley and its businesses.

Our push for 2015 is to broaden our consumer base by creating a “unified chamber community” that can be marketed on the state level.  Great potential exists outside our community for merchants who do business inside our community.  Prime examples:  Virginia’s economic outlook ranks 11th among the 50 states (, making it one of the top major marketplaces for all types of business; Virginia ranks #5 in 2013 for the Top States to do business in (  A unified Shenandoah County Chamber community could be taking advantage of Virginia’s unique status by creating a coalition, working together to brainstorm and develop new and innovative ways to market our businesses and community across the state.


We want you to join us in this effort, and since we are fully funded by memberships, we really need your help to continue our work.  We hope that you will consider joining us and becoming an active member of our organization.  Shenandoah County will thrive and prosper if we all work together toward that common goal.  Thank you for your consideration.



Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce



What does the Chamber do for its members?

  • Business Referrals: We receive countless calls from residents and nonresidents wanting recommendations for everything from car repair to catering.

  • Free Advertising in the Chamber office: Members are encouraged to bring business cards, brochures, etc. to the Chamber. We are usually the first stop when people are looking for a recommendation

  • Spotlight on Business:  We post on our website and our Facebook page, periodically feature a business that is a member of the Chamber.

  • Weekly/Monthly Emails: to all people in our contact base announcing new members, member's upcoming events, promotions, sales and special announcements.

  • Web Site: Member listing on our web site.

  • After Hours: Members are invited to the Chamber After Hours/Morning Schmooze/ Lunch and Learn events held monthly allowing opportunities to network and promote your business.

  • Ribbon Cutting: New businesses receive free ribbon cutting and publicity announcing the opening.

  • Special Events: The chamber sponsors events like Autumnfest and the Route 11 Yard Crawl and co-sponsors Vintage Woodstock and the Holiday Parade. .

  • Discounts: Co-op advertising, business products, shipping, printing and M2M discounts

  • Chamber decal for your business door or window and membership card which entitles you to discounts and perks "as advertised" throughout the year.


Investment in the Shenandoah County Chamber doesn't cost, it pays!





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